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Industrial Maintenance LLC

Emergency Spill Response

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We have decades of experience in spill response for hazardous and non-hazardous materials, including


  • Diesel fuel in soils, asphalt, concrete, water, etc.

  • Oil from tankers, well sites, and pipelines.

  • Brine from fracking operations and salt water injection incidents

  • Chemicals from annoying to downright dangerous.

  • Radioactive Materials including NORM and TENORM.


Early response and reporting controls the release and ensures cleanup is kept as small as possible.

Considering the incident's size, location, access, activity, and matrix allows us to execute a process that helps mitigate impacts and risk.

Our main concern in a response is safety first and always. We will always strive for safe operation and zero incidents.

Together, this provides savings to you. Early response means less cleanup. Proper planning ensures things are done correctly, and only once. Safety first means no additional expenses added.





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